Calculation of environmental taxes for plant protection products
Environmental taxes apply to plant protection products on the market in Norway.
For professional use products, the size of the tax depends on the health and environmental properties of the plant protection products (five different classes), meaning that the most harmful products will have relatively higher taxes. For non-professional use private garden use products, two different tax classes apply.
The tax per kg or liter product is calculated as follows:
Tax per kg or litre = base rate x factor x 1000 / standard area dose
The base rate is set by the government and is the same for all products (2,50 NOK per decare* in 2014).
The standard area dose (SAD) is the maximum application rate per treatment in grams or milliliters per decare for the main crop for which the particular pesticide is used.
The factor is a weighting based on the relative risk level of the product according to the following schedule.
*1 decare (daa) = 0.1 hectare (ha)

More information:
- Taxes for plant protection products registered in Norway (25.10.2023; in Norwegian, PDF)
- Guidelines for a Banded Pesticide Tax Scheme, Differentiated According to Human Health and Environmental Risks (PDF)
- Guidelines for the determination of SAD (standard area dose) for plant protection products (in Norwegian, PDF)