Zebrafish as model animal for the evaluation of health effects of macroalgae
The objective of the experiment is to establish knowledge on health values of macroalgal products used as sources of essential nutrients and health-promoting components for monogastric animals. Zebrafish will be used as model animal for the evaluation of health effects of macroalgae. The feeding trial is planned to test 9 different diets: One control diet without macroalgae and four diets containing four different algae products at two different inclusion levels.
The feeding trial will last 3 months. We will use 4 tanks per diet. The tanks will contain 25 fish each. At the end of the feeding trial, fish will be euthanized and tissue samples will be taken for molecular, histological and microbiota analyses.
The feeding trial will last 3 months. We will use 4 tanks per diet. The tanks will contain 25 fish each. At the end of the feeding trial, fish will be euthanized and tissue samples will be taken for molecular, histological and microbiota analyses.