Study of small rodent population dynamics and demography at Evenstad

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The main aim of this study is to continue the ongoing research on population dynamics and demography of small rodents at Evenstad, Stor-Elvdal, Hedmark, to bring further knowledge of the peculiar population cycles. It has very small methodological changes from FOTS ID 13908, however it has fewer trapping occasions. We therefore mark this application as "Extension/change".

We will be continuing with a study design that has shown limited harm for the individuals (high survival between trapping (between "secondary occasions") using Ugglan live traps with appropriate baiting.

The study design includes an altitude gradient which is an interesting proxy in itself, but we also believe this gradient will give important information in a warming climate. The scientific outcome will be published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Due to the population dynamics of the two focal species (bank voles Myodus glareolus and tundra voles Microtus oeconomus), and the goal of estimating their density we are not able to project exact number of animals that will be involved in the study, but estimates are given in the appropriate section.

- Replacement: Non-invasive methods for estimating density (camera-traps) is per date not reliable or available and does hardly give any demographic information.
- Reduction: We believe we have a minimum number of traps to be able to give a good estimate of abundance/density. Especially in the years with low abundance, it will become very difficult to have fewer traps than we have planned.
- Refinement: The research group has many years of experience with designing trapping regimes and handling animals. It is important both for the data collection and animal welfare that the animals are treated as gentle and as little as possible. The traps will be checked twice every day and will have generous amounts of bait available.