Veterbral deformities, Interactions between vaccines and production scenarios

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Vertebral deformities in Atlantic salmon production, can contribute cause down-grading losses in salmon farming and can, in severe cases, impair growth and fish welfare. In the present study we will test whether different ‘compounds’ (vaccines, vaccine candidates) in combination with different production scenarios that might influence on the vertebral column in Atlantic salmon. The study will be done under semicommercial condition and we expect the study to give only mild sideeffects.

1600 fish will be pittaged and vaccinated with one of 5 different vaccines. These 5 groups are reared under different production regimes, totaly 4 different treatments. Also 100 fish will be used to follow the smoltification process.

Totalt brukes 1700 lakseparr i forsøket, og den forventede belastningsgraden er lett belastende. Det finnes ingen erstatning for bruk av levende fisk i slike forsøk.