Treadmill experiment - the role of DNA glycosylases in endurance

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The purpose of this study is to elucidate the effect on running performance in mice lacking the DNA glycosylases Smug1, Neil1, Neil2 and both Neil1 and Neil2, known to remove DNA lesions. From previous experiment we know that Smug1 KO mice have less muscle strenght (muscle grip test done externally)) and that mice deficient in both Neil1 and Neil2 are more active and seems more fit than wt mice. A treadmill experience will give us answer if the mice deficient in DNA glycosylases have altered running capasity and again answer if DNA glycosylases are important in muscle development, metabolism and cardiovascular functions. Due to earlier experience with these mice in behavior studies, we will use 20 mice from each genotype to achieve statistically significant results.